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baby at the airport



Storkkd was created for you because...



"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!" Oh The Places You'll Go- Dr. Seuss

On vacation.

On a plane.

On a train.

To Grandma's.

To Papa's.  

Packing for babies and toddlers is frustrating and a hassle.

Care essentials are bulky, heavy, leak, take up valuable luggage real estate and doing diaper math sucks (aka 1 diaper X estimated diapers per day X planned days away + hypothetical extras in case = ????!).


Storkkd wants to help you travel lighter and save your sanity. You create your custom bundle of baby or toddler care essentials and we will coordinate with your destination to guarantee that your littles receive the diapers, wipes, soaps and creams they need...wherever they need it. Forget the chore of having to organize, pack and lug all the necessary baby care items and focus on enjoying your time and your travels. 




To a co-worker.

To a friend.

To a neighbor.

For a baby shower.

For a welcome home gift.

Typically those adorable little outfits draw people in like magnets. 

It really is a lovely thought, but the truth is....the baby will never wear it. It will be folded neatly in a drawer or hung up with care and the baby will outgrow it before they ever have a chance to wear it. Babies literally live in onesies and sleepers for ATLEAST the first 3 months of their lives. 


Not you though! You are a gift-giving rockstar. You gift things the baby needs and uses everyday, like diapers, wipes, soaps and lotions. Babies go through an insane amount of diapers (somewhere in the ballpark of 300 diapers in the first month!!). We've put together some PRE+MADE BUNDLES for your baby gift giving pleasure. Easy-peasy.


P.S. A mommy of a newborn probably politely doesn't want visitors anytime soon (she really does love people but she has probably involuntarily not combed her hair in days, has spent the day in her pjs and things like brushing her teeth or taking a shower before noon is like winning the lottery.  She really doesn't have the time to clean the house and lovingly doesn't need that added stress of keeping up appearances right now. Newborns are D-E-M-A-N-D-I-N-G!) But she would most likely love the above-mentioned, much used baby necessities. Storkkd can deliver your pretty bundle of essentials with a sweet message, for you. What a welcomed surprise in a day full of newborn poop, cries and spit up.




Why get the kid(s) ready, deal with carseat buckles (so many carseat buckles), drive to the store, find parking, undo carseat buckles, stand in line, re-do carseat buckles, drive in traffic... (shall we mention the carseat buckles one more time?!)...when you can just have us deliver your baby essentials to you? Or maybe you'd like to try out a new brand of diapers, wipes, soap or lotion but aren't sure of the newest parent favs. We've put together some beloved favorites that you can browse and pick from to your hearts delight. We currently sell smaller packages perfect for traveling, trying and changing sizes when your baby decides to have a growth spurt overnight and you now have 114 size 3 diapers that no longer fit.  Been there. Whomp. Check out the goods HERE and create a bundle! 


Happy Shopping!

sleeping newborn
toddler and newborn
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